Making Every Moment Count - MARE Summit

In the dynamic arena of the MARE Summit, every exhibitor faces the challenge of juggling between manning their stand and engaging in the myriad of learning and networking opportunities the event has to offer. For those concerned about not being able to be at their stand at all times, we’re here to tell you: worry not. The Summit is designed to ensure your stand is not just a space, but a beacon of your brand’s innovation and collaboration, even in your absence.

Digital Presence: Your 24/7 Ambassador

In today’s digital age, your stand extends far beyond the physical. With the MARE Summit app, your digital presence does the talking. Upload detailed information about your products, services, and even promotional materials. Attendees can access this information at their fingertips, ensuring your stand is ‘manned’ digitally. Plus, with the ability to leave contact information, your next big opportunity could find you, without you needing to be there physically, but being able to book meetings at your stand later on.

Pre-scheduled Meetups: Maximizing Your Time

The MARE Summit’s networking platform is a game-changer for efficient time management. Schedule meetings with key stakeholders during the times you’ll be at your stand, ensuring you never miss an opportunity for face-to-face interaction. This not only optimizes your presence but also allows you to engage deeply elsewhere, knowing your stand appointments are set and your time at the Summit is being used effectively.

Maximizing Engagement
Having a physical stand at the MARE Summit is not just about brand visibility; it’s crucial for facilitating private, in-depth discussions and building connections with potential leads and collaborators. It offers a dedicated space that combines the best of digital engagement with the invaluable personal touch of face-to-face meetings. This private setting allows for confidential conversations and deeper connections, enhancing your brand’s presence and fostering meaningful collaborations. It’s an essential component for maximizing your participation’s ROI, blending public visibility with impactful, private interactions.

Volunteer Assistance: The Human Touch

Our team of dedicated volunteers is at hand to provide that essential human touch in your absence. They can guide visitors to your digital resources, answer basic queries, and collect contact details for you to follow up later. This on-site support ensures your stand remains interactive and accessible, regardless of where you are at the Summit.

Engage and Advise: Personalized Experiences at Your Stand

Enhance your stand’s appeal by offering exclusive workshops and 1-on-1 advisory sessions, now featured on our event app. This initiative not only highlights your commitment to innovation but also caters to a personalized attendee experience, reaching both on-site and virtual participants. It’s your chance to deepen connections and showcase your expertise, making your stand a focal point for tailored engagement and learning.

After the Summit: Engaging Beyond the Event

The Summit’s ecosystem is designed for continuous engagement. With access to attendee analytics post-event, you can follow up on leads and interest generated during the Summit, ensuring no potential connection is left unexplored.

Small to Medium-sized Stands: A Strategic Advantage

Smaller stands often hesitate to commit, fearing their inability to be constantly present might hinder their event success. However, the MARE Summit’s infrastructure and services are specially tailored to amplify your presence, regardless of your stand’s size or your physical presence. This environment not only levels the playing field but also opens up a realm of possibilities for effective engagement and lead generation.


The MARE Summit is more than a physical event; it’s a comprehensive platform designed for innovation, collaboration, and growth. Your stand, regardless of size, is a pivotal part of this ecosystem. With the right strategies and tools, it can serve as a powerful conduit for your business’s voice, even in your absence.

As we gear up for an exciting Summit, we invite you to rethink the possibilities of your stand. It’s not just about being there; it’s about making an impact, engaging effectively, and driving your business forward, with or without your constant physical presence.

Let’s make every moment count at the MARE Summit. Your stand has the potential to be a highlight of the event; let’s ensure it shines bright, even when you step away.

For more information on how to make the most of your stand at the MARE Summit, contact us. Together, we’re building the future of the real estate and construction sectors, one stand at a time.