
Silvio Attard B.Com (Hons.) Econ. M.A Econ (Melit.)

Silvio Attard is a Senior EU Affairs Officer within the Business Development Department of the Malta Development Bank (MDB), the country’s only promotional bank.  In this role, Silvio assists the MDB in accessing and securing EU funding opportunities, as well as designing and developing financial instruments. Silvio is also responsible for building relations with other European Institutions and keeping abreast with the latest EU State Aid regimes and other relevant EU legislative and policy frameworks. Prior to joining the MDB, Silvio has worked at the Central Bank of Malta as an economist for thirteen years. During this period, he was responsible for the analysis of a wide array of economic areas within the Economics & Research, and the EU & International Relations Departments of the Bank. He specialized in the analysis and forecasting of balance of payments variables, with a particular interest to tourism. Over the years he authored a number of studies, including on the impact of oil price increases, competitiveness, EU governance, households’ consumption and financial patterns, and tourism. Some of these research papers are published in peer-reviewed journals and were presented during thematic international conferences. Since 2017 he has also been holding the post of project evaluator in the fields of market research, product development costing, economic impact and risk profiling for the Malta Council for Science and Technology.