
Martin Camilleri

Martin started his career in Cyber security more than 20 years ago, being responsible of setting up the security function in MITA (previously known as MITTS) to protect the Maltese Government Infrastructure.

His role in cyber security progressed from technical to security management. In 2016, Martin, graduated from the University of Malta in Diplomatic Studites. Martin focused his final project on the relationship between Cyber warfare and International law.

For the last decade, Martin was involved in the formulation of the Maltese National Cyber Security Strategy and represented Malta on a number of national, European and international fora on security regulation, applicable laws and policies.

Martin is currently leading the MITA Cyber Threat Intelligence team working closely with the European and international community to collaborate on cyber threat intelligence sharing and be in a position to recommend to operational teams to take proactive protection measures and assisting the Government in the attribution of potential cyber-attacks towards the Maltese Government infrastructure.