
Leonid McKay

Leonid McKay was appointed as the Chief Executive Officer of the Housing Authority in September 2018. Previously, he occupied the position of Director of Caritas Malta between 2014 and 2018. During the same tenure, he also held the role of Chairman of the Foundation for the Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers.

Mr. McKay has carried out extensive social research on various social policy areas ranging from the minimum budget required for low-income families to be able to achieve an acceptable and a decent standard of living (Minimum Essential Budget for a Decent Living 2016, 2012); the adequacy of non-contributory welfare benefits (Minimum Income Schemes, 2014); labour market exploitation of migrants in Malta (Social Fieldwork Research 2014); integration efforts of People with International Protection (2013); geographic mapping of pockets of deprivation and study the social conditions of poor neighbourhoods in Malta (Master of Arts in Social Policy Dissertation, 2012).

Mr. McKay holds a Master of Arts in Social Policy degree and a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Sociology from the University of Malta. Between 2012 and 2014, Mr. McKay was a lecturer at the Malta College of Arts Science and Technology and taught at the Institute of Community Services. He is married to Pauline with two children, Isaac and Emily.