2024 Featured Topics
Our agenda is carefully curated to provide valuable insights on topics that the industry deems relevant. Check this year’s selection!
Full Agenda
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Speaking opportunities
We want to hear your message on our stage.
Talks are usually 30 minutes max, with additional Q&A depending on the speaker. Our attendees want to hear the best quality talks that are both educational and inspirational with useful insights and data-backed findings.
Topics: new technologies; sustainable development; selling techniques for agents; Real Estate investments; new construction techniques and materials; new Real Estate agents tools; innovation and digitization strategies; economic, societal, and technological impacts; future of Real Estate; Commercial properties; tourism and Real Estate; residency and citizenship by investment; high-end Real Estate, urban design globalization of the industry; Proptech; new construction standards; smart buildings; etc.
We’re constantly on the lookout for interesting talks and want to hear your ideas as long as they keep with our golden rule: No self/company promotion talks or “pitches”.

The agenda, schedule and topics are provisional, hence they are subject to change.
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